Showing posts with label iphone app developer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iphone app developer. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 March 2012

iPhone Application Development - Some Precincts

iPhone application development may be technically easy just because of your adeptness at programming languages and other technical skills. You may be planning to develop the best of the iPhone application and put it up for sale to the iPhone users. Before doing this you should be aware of the restrictions that Apple Inc. the designers of iPhone, have applied. These restrictions could have an adverse impact on your creativity and application development plan. Some of the prominent restrictions that could limit your scope of developing the applications are as follows.

Either or:
One of the major restrictions applied by Apple is that the user can run only a single application at one given time. This implies that two applications cannot be run simultaneously, no matter how important both are. Suppose, you receive a call while you are using the internet, either you stay glued to the internet and not attend the phone or exit from the internet to attend the phone. You cannot do the two things simultaneously. This is one great issue for the application developer because it may reduce the relevance of the application.

Suppose you are in the midst of an application pertaining to the trading of stocks in the market. This required inputs from you in the real time. Now when you are going to implement a crucial decision of buying or selling the shares, you start getting an equally important call. Now either you can attend to the call or you have to continuing the trading. You can run only a single application at any given point of time but not both simultaneously.

Background of Third party:
This is the extension of the restriction mentioned earlier. The earlier point was about running an application on screen but this is about running an application in the background. This restriction does not allow any third party application to run in the background. This implies that when you are attending a call crucial for your business, you cannot collect any messages through the instant messenger. The worst part of this is that you are shown to be offline to the message sender. This could lead to a lot of misunderstanding and heavy financial losses.

Centralized Control:
No application can be directly accessed by the iPhone user. Every iPhone user has to download the application from the Apple Store. This implies that the developer has to first submit the application to the Apple Store and if Apple Inc. finds it worth distributing among the users, then and then only the application is going to be accessible by the iPhone users. This sort of centralized controls not only puts restrictions on the developers but also increases the chance of unnecessary delay in the utility of the application.

Version compatibility:
The application working on the latest version may not work on the earlier version. This is because the operating system of different versions may not be compatible. This is very crucial for the application developer because he/she has to finally test the application on two versions of iPhone operating systems.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

iPhone Application Development - An Everlasting Era

2008 is year to remember, where iphone application developers have been blessed by new bee, called iOS SDK. Firstly reluctant and burned by typical development for Symbian like systems, initially it was looked by iphone application developers like cave man looking at fire when it’s invented. Hence the beginning of the beginning of iPhone Application Development started. Some of the iphone application developers we met recently explained how they felt about the whole iPhone Launch and that it may be just another phone with some goodies and then when the goodies run out, it’s generally over and you need to find another device offering something more or different.

Well, it was not the right thing to think of. Apple iPhone has changed the way we have used smart phones and it has really made iPhone smart. With un-limited flow of applications available for download from app store and support and development from iPhone Application Development community, it just don’t run out of goodies. iPhone Application Development is so far most successful and powerful mobile application field entered in market, and so as iPad and other related iOS based development. With many features to play with and good amount of sensors to use for, there is now a chance to develop cool apps and more useful ones too.

iPhone Application Development has indeed became a very good mobile application development field for IT companies, as mobile computing power is increasing and so as the screen sizes and touch inputs. Developed we talked with emphasizes more on performance of the applications. One of the senior developed working in iPhone Application Development department from and IT company named Morpheous told “It is important that you should have very good looking app, but we should not forget performance is as important and so as compatibility”. iPhone Application Development is what Apple has played the dice and yes we all agree, it has paid back. When we ask companies benefiting from their growing business, they all have one thing to say in common, it is iphone application developer friendly and so as user friendly.

There is still some dissatisfaction n market about regulations put by Apple for Apps selling and distributing. iPhone Application Development has so far made good fortune for apple and market believes it is going to bring more, more goodies. May be an everlasting era of mobile computing has already begun...

Friday, 29 July 2011

iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development Scenario

Being .NET developer, I had never thought of working so deeply in mobile application development. From the day I have entered to learn about iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development, I have never looked back. It took me about 20 days to get totally involve in iPhone Application Development process and get use to methods. To learn iPhone Application Development, it took some training from the people who have already worked in it and some of my own R&D. Since then I have developed about 50 Apps by myself and hoping to develop more.

iPhone Application Development comprise of 2 to 3 steps

a) Understanding Requirements
b) Understanding User Flow
c) Actual Development

First we need to understand the requirements and make user flow accordingly. User flow means the way user is going to use the app or the way you want to guide user through app, and then the actual development starts. Same is for iPhone Game Development. There is a story line, plot, game logic and main features, depends on the type of game you develop.

iPhone Application Development is being done using three important tools, you need MAC, iOS SDK and yes a device to test developed iPhone App. For iPhone Game Development, there are also third party software available on paid basis which enables you to port graphics and game for iOS, like Unity. It take some time to learn them but once you are done it is easier to develop game in their environment and port it than to make it from scratch up in iOS SDK. Well, on the other hand iPhone Application Development is better to be done in iOS and take care while using any third party API, as Apple might reject your app because of that.

Apple has recently launched iOS 5 Beta 4 and we are waiting for it to have final release. It has many features which includes iCloud based development. This will surely bring new era of sharing and storing your data and for developers working in iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development to develop more exciting apps.

Friday, 22 July 2011

iPhone Application Develoment: New Era in Mobile Computing by Morpheous

Apple has opened new frontiers with launching iPhone and iPad. It really has begun the Mobile Computing and Apps development race. iphone application develoment is the field which is now talk of the town and cities and countries. Once there was OS named Symbian, in which we have supposed to develop mobile apps and games. But it never evolved neither it became developer friendly. You must be an astronaut and programming in Symbian was surely a rocket science. Then, the change came, Apple has proved with iphone application develoment that, it’s not only easy to work with but also to understand the system and due to system support only one device, there is not testing of apps needed for different devices with different screens and features, unlike Symbian.

Apple launched its first iOS SDK in mid 2008 and since then it has been upgraded to many revisions or versions, providing new features to iPhone Apps Programmer each time. iphone application develoment is done in Objective-C language and has somewhat similar interface like visual basic. Where you have Graphical User Interface for Form building and other is coding interface. For iPhone Apps Programmer, there is well defined file structure to follow; so that you can just connect the pieces right and rest of the things are taken care by compliers.

Third and Most important part of the iOS or you can say Latest iOS 5 SDK is its simulator, where iPhone Apps programmer can build and check the application he has developed like testing it in device. iphone application develoment environment also provides option for porting the apps directly to device for testing via the SDK, and that is very beneficial to remove and bugs or unknown force closes. As hardware is getting more and more advance, like the newly added multi-tasking feature to new model, Apple has made sure it brings new and latest things on platter for both User and Apps Programmer.

iPhone Apps Development has surpassed the development done in Symbian or any other mobile platform in just few months and so far it’s biggest success Apple has achieved so far. There was one question everybody had at Launch of iPhone, what after 1 year or after you use all native apps? With simple answer to it: Apps, Develop more and more apps. And with it came the new breed called iPhone Apps Programmer, specializing in iPhone Apps Development and satisfying the ever growing hunger of different types of Applications and Games.