Showing posts with label iphone apps developer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iphone apps developer. Show all posts

Monday, 30 April 2012

A Story about Apple iPhone Apps Development and Google Android Application Development - Part1

It’s been some time since I have evaluated both companies’ performance on app selling and development market. With hardware competition heating up, and so does the iPhone Application Development and Android App Development, I thought of giving my view on the current market scenario and provide more of a basic info on what is in the trend. In this article I will cover most of the info and talk going in the market and also if you have an idea, then what should you go for.

Apple has maintained its strategy of having one hardware and just updating it on regular basis with new features or the updated ones, Google on the other hand is following strategy of having it all to the OEMs and let them decide on the hardware. It’s just like old days of Apple vs. Windows. As far as iPhone Apps Development and Android Application Development is concerned, it might not be an equal game so far for Google. Looks like Apple is still enjoying the first mover’s advantage. Though, I do not think that Google is left behind. Google has done pretty good job though at the time of nexus one we really did not thought it will have all those things solved pretty quick.

With purchase power growing and people spending more and more time on internet, its developer’s job to satisfy the demand via iPhone Apps Development and Android Apps Development and I think they are also doing some pretty good job. Both companies have their development platforms and app stores to make sure whatever developed get to people immediately. Frankly speaking I do not see windows mobile anywhere, and for those who buy one, its headache to sell the used piece. In counts apple is ahead and I think it will stay at least for another 2 to 3 years unless Google really does some cool trick. Google though is bit more lenient towards selling your apps on their store or just giving it to someone for play. With its Chrome store launch and attracting developers for as low as only 5% cut from their sell, Google is making sure it gets the first mover’s advantage in browser based apps and games.

I will cover more info on iPhone Apps Development and Android Application Development in next part of this topic. If you have any queries you can write me to provided email id. Till than happy apps.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Must Be Methodically Planned, Managed and Controlled?

The fact that mobile app development is such a challenging task means that developers need to take every care in the book, to ensure its success. More importantly, they need to make an extra effort to take the app project through the various stages of development. Also, each stage must be comprehensively thought out and must cover all the necessary aspects that are fundamental to the development of a stable, robust and extremely functional application.

For this to happen, the entire process of mobile app development must be thoroughly planned, managed and controlled. If this is not done, then say good bye to any chance of developing an effective iPhone app. This fact remains true, even during iPad app development or development of tablet apps for any mobile OS other than the iOS.


How are you going to approach iPhone application development? The answer to this question helps developers plan their development process. Planning includes identifying the various stages of development and also determining the hierarchy of these stages and assigning responsibilities to the right people/team members to ensure that the project is taken through each stage successfully.


A detailed project development plan is one thing, but what is also important is the need to ensure that it is managed properly. What this means is that developers need to ensure that enough resources are assigned to the project and it is organized in an optimum manner. Each aspect of the project must be managed perfectly in order to ensure that it remains on track for submission within the pre-designated deadline.


If there is an absence of proper control, the process of iPhone app development will go haywire. At the basic level, controlling the development process means making sure that everybody who is a part of the project development is doing their job properly. More importantly, it also involves ensuring that all development work is on track and in line with client's needs and requirements.

These three aspects are a vital component of any mobile app development strategy. Developers ignore the importance of these aspects at their own risk. Astute developers are well aware of the need to ensure proper planning, exemplary management, and authoritative control of the process of development. They know that if this is not done, there is a good chance that even their best efforts won't be enough to ensure the successful development of their iPhone app. On the other hand, adherence to the highest standards of planning, management and control, will give them rich dividends in the form of a highly successful iPhone app that scales the popularity charts.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Information on iPhone Apps Development vs. iPad Application Development - Part2

In my previous article I have discussed about iPhone Apps Development and iPhone as a successful device and what types of applications needs to be done particularly for iPhone and also why you need to give it priority. In this part I am going to talk about iPad and its latest successor and also iPad Application Development and its impact in tablet apps development and designing. I hope this will help you to decide between the devices as per type of your idea or select priority in the device selection.

We know that iPhone is more mobile than iPad and also much handy and had a large sales volume, so it is obvious that it is going to have larger application database and more and more apps and games are going to get developed with iPhone Application Development. But let’s not forget that it is same company which is also making iPad. Why? Why somebody wants to go for app or game for iPad? Well, there are many reasons for it. One of the biggest reasons is its screen size. Yes, that is fact. With its higher resolution and larger screen size make it perfect interface for applications like stock exchanges or games like Infinity blade. People who thought that iPad may never going to get success are now counting numbers and predicting future iPad and suggesting iPad Application Development.

If you have an idea of games like infinity blade or may be an app which needs to have more data to be displayed or need to use every inch of the screen, go for iPad. It will be helpful to your user if they can get more data without changing the section or going back to menu or to enjoy high resolution graphics in gaming then go for it. I have played many games in iPad 2 and surely it is near to console like experience. Using business applications in iPad is also a very good experience and obviously productivity tools can be used far more greatly then you can do it in iPhone. These are the types of apps and games which you can prioritize for iPad Apps Development and have iPhone App Development as the secondary part. Or if the funds allow you, then you can go for both the developments together.

I hope this article and the previous part will provide you enough insight in deciding between iPhone Application Development and iPad App Development. So, why wait … Get your idea converted into reality!!!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

iPhone Application Development - Some Precincts

iPhone application development may be technically easy just because of your adeptness at programming languages and other technical skills. You may be planning to develop the best of the iPhone application and put it up for sale to the iPhone users. Before doing this you should be aware of the restrictions that Apple Inc. the designers of iPhone, have applied. These restrictions could have an adverse impact on your creativity and application development plan. Some of the prominent restrictions that could limit your scope of developing the applications are as follows.

Either or:
One of the major restrictions applied by Apple is that the user can run only a single application at one given time. This implies that two applications cannot be run simultaneously, no matter how important both are. Suppose, you receive a call while you are using the internet, either you stay glued to the internet and not attend the phone or exit from the internet to attend the phone. You cannot do the two things simultaneously. This is one great issue for the application developer because it may reduce the relevance of the application.

Suppose you are in the midst of an application pertaining to the trading of stocks in the market. This required inputs from you in the real time. Now when you are going to implement a crucial decision of buying or selling the shares, you start getting an equally important call. Now either you can attend to the call or you have to continuing the trading. You can run only a single application at any given point of time but not both simultaneously.

Background of Third party:
This is the extension of the restriction mentioned earlier. The earlier point was about running an application on screen but this is about running an application in the background. This restriction does not allow any third party application to run in the background. This implies that when you are attending a call crucial for your business, you cannot collect any messages through the instant messenger. The worst part of this is that you are shown to be offline to the message sender. This could lead to a lot of misunderstanding and heavy financial losses.

Centralized Control:
No application can be directly accessed by the iPhone user. Every iPhone user has to download the application from the Apple Store. This implies that the developer has to first submit the application to the Apple Store and if Apple Inc. finds it worth distributing among the users, then and then only the application is going to be accessible by the iPhone users. This sort of centralized controls not only puts restrictions on the developers but also increases the chance of unnecessary delay in the utility of the application.

Version compatibility:
The application working on the latest version may not work on the earlier version. This is because the operating system of different versions may not be compatible. This is very crucial for the application developer because he/she has to finally test the application on two versions of iPhone operating systems.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The Mechanism of iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development - Part 1

Since the launch of first iPhone and field becoming widely popular in the mobile app development market, there is one question which arise to people who are bit away from all this development is, what exactly does the iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development contain? Well, this article for all those who are new bee to this technological breakthrough and who wants to gear-up for their entry as developer into this field. This article covers basic information and features of tools used and some differences between iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development.

Initially as everybody thought it is hype and that it will soon fade away as just what happened with Symbian, that was wrong, as more time passes by the iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development is strong contenders of each other in the mobile app development world with very few to challenge them and provide more versatile results with useful and entertaining apps. iOS SDK is what developers get to develop their applications for iPhone, iPod and iPad. You need to enroll in to Apple’s developer programmer to get the download and have your own app development and publishing account on app store.

Once you have enrolled it takes few days for your account to get activated and then you can download the SDK from your iOS Developer programmer home. Here you will find all latest information and updated about the upcoming beta releases and also about the iOS development guide and Apple’s developer guideline which is indeed very necessary to follow if you are serious to put your app on app store ;). From here onwards your journey of iPhone Apps Development starts, after downloading the SDK and installing it. You will surely need a MAC for that. Once installed you are good to go.

Developers mostly start with making “Hello World” program and which you can find it anywhere on the net and is easy to make. iOS SDK comprise of three main elements for iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development, a. Coding Environment b. Designing Environment c. Simulator. This all are important and interconnected features is what make iPhone apps development and iPhone Game Development different from other mobile application development platforms, like of blackberry or Symbian. In the next part we will go more deep in to the difference between iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development and tools used for the same.

Friday, 24 June 2011

iPhone Application Development : high quality and best performance

Morpheous has experienced of developing overall more than 300 Apps in iPhone application development and Android Application Development field. We have expert iphone application developers who provide high quality and best performance application development.  We at Morpheous provide not only good quality but also low cost development for our clients.

Our iPhone application development includes different types of application creation like sports iphone application development, business iphone app development to children iphone application development. Different types of application development asks for different skills set of expert developers which we have in-house. Morpheous has best iphone application project managers, who take care of multiple projects giving all same priority and that is of making sure of smooth iphone application development and completion of the projects on the given timelines to our valuable clients.

Development cycle comprise different stages, mainly iphone development, application design, iphone application testing and bug fixing, user acceptance test and after completion of the development, launching  iphone application on Apple App store for its review using client’s credentials as a complementary services.

iPhone Application development at Morpheous is unique experience for the development of your iphone applications and converting your app idea to reality.