Well, it was not the right thing to think of. Apple iPhone has changed the way we have used smart phones and it has really made iPhone smart. With un-limited flow of applications available for download from app store and support and development from iPhone Application Development community, it just don’t run out of goodies. iPhone Application Development is so far most successful and powerful mobile application field entered in market, and so as iPad and other related iOS based development. With many features to play with and good amount of sensors to use for, there is now a chance to develop cool apps and more useful ones too.
iPhone Application Development has indeed became a very good mobile application development field for IT companies, as mobile computing power is increasing and so as the screen sizes and touch inputs. Developed we talked with emphasizes more on performance of the applications. One of the senior developed working in iPhone Application Development department from and IT company named Morpheous told “It is important that you should have very good looking app, but we should not forget performance is as important and so as compatibility”. iPhone Application Development is what Apple has played the dice and yes we all agree, it has paid back. When we ask companies benefiting from their growing business, they all have one thing to say in common, it is iphone application developer friendly and so as user friendly.
There is still some dissatisfaction n market about regulations put by Apple for Apps selling and distributing. iPhone Application Development has so far made good fortune for apple and market believes it is going to bring more, more goodies. May be an everlasting era of mobile computing has already begun...