Friday, 22 July 2011

iPhone Application Develoment: New Era in Mobile Computing by Morpheous

Apple has opened new frontiers with launching iPhone and iPad. It really has begun the Mobile Computing and Apps development race. iphone application develoment is the field which is now talk of the town and cities and countries. Once there was OS named Symbian, in which we have supposed to develop mobile apps and games. But it never evolved neither it became developer friendly. You must be an astronaut and programming in Symbian was surely a rocket science. Then, the change came, Apple has proved with iphone application develoment that, it’s not only easy to work with but also to understand the system and due to system support only one device, there is not testing of apps needed for different devices with different screens and features, unlike Symbian.

Apple launched its first iOS SDK in mid 2008 and since then it has been upgraded to many revisions or versions, providing new features to iPhone Apps Programmer each time. iphone application develoment is done in Objective-C language and has somewhat similar interface like visual basic. Where you have Graphical User Interface for Form building and other is coding interface. For iPhone Apps Programmer, there is well defined file structure to follow; so that you can just connect the pieces right and rest of the things are taken care by compliers.

Third and Most important part of the iOS or you can say Latest iOS 5 SDK is its simulator, where iPhone Apps programmer can build and check the application he has developed like testing it in device. iphone application develoment environment also provides option for porting the apps directly to device for testing via the SDK, and that is very beneficial to remove and bugs or unknown force closes. As hardware is getting more and more advance, like the newly added multi-tasking feature to new model, Apple has made sure it brings new and latest things on platter for both User and Apps Programmer.

iPhone Apps Development has surpassed the development done in Symbian or any other mobile platform in just few months and so far it’s biggest success Apple has achieved so far. There was one question everybody had at Launch of iPhone, what after 1 year or after you use all native apps? With simple answer to it: Apps, Develop more and more apps. And with it came the new breed called iPhone Apps Programmer, specializing in iPhone Apps Development and satisfying the ever growing hunger of different types of Applications and Games.