Monday, 30 April 2012

Tips to Hire an iPhone Application Development Service Provider

IPhone application development is gradually increasing in demand just because the number of iPhone users is increasing at an exponential rate. The iPhone users are supposed to access the internet through the iPhone device that they have. If the website is not compatible with the operating system and platform of the iPhone it is not going to be displayed on the screen of the iPhone. Instead of losing customers/clients to the competitors it is better to get an iPhone application and this is where you need to hire the services of an iPhone application developer.

•Before commencing any search for the appropriate iPhone application development service provider one should first study the need of the application. Is the application going to be of any specific need to the iPhone users? Is this application going to be in demand in the future? This implies that the need and demand of the application should be thoroughly analyzed and studied.

•Is there any other similar application already on the internet? If it is so then you need to study and put in more effort to give the customers or clients something more than the current application. Developing a similar application is neither going to neither be very popular nor have any positive may effect on your goodwill. The application should be as unique as possible.

•There are many iPhone application developers in the market and selecting the most appropriate one is very crucial especially when your idea is unique and you already know that if properly developed it could be a big success.

•Experience is what matters the most in nearly all the fields. Now there are two types of application developers; those with genuine experience and those without. It is up to you to double check the claims of experience made by the application developer.

•The website of the application developer may display testimonials, but are there any direct contact numbers given out there to contact that client and check the authenticity of the testimonial? You should not be vulnerable to get carried away by dummy testimonials.

•The technical prowess of the application developer should be exhibited in the work that he/she has done earlier.

•The developer should be registered with the iTunes store of Apple Inc., the manufacturers of iPhone.

•There should be a Non Disclosure Agreement between the application developer and you so that your idea is not shared with anyone else.

•The developer should have enough time and manpower to fulfill the commitment within the set time limits without outsourcing the work to any third party. The developer should entrust the responsibility of developing the application to a dedicated team of developers.

•The application developer should show through transparency and clarity on the terms and conditions of payment.

A Story about Apple iPhone Apps Development and Google Android Application Development - Part1

It’s been some time since I have evaluated both companies’ performance on app selling and development market. With hardware competition heating up, and so does the iPhone Application Development and Android App Development, I thought of giving my view on the current market scenario and provide more of a basic info on what is in the trend. In this article I will cover most of the info and talk going in the market and also if you have an idea, then what should you go for.

Apple has maintained its strategy of having one hardware and just updating it on regular basis with new features or the updated ones, Google on the other hand is following strategy of having it all to the OEMs and let them decide on the hardware. It’s just like old days of Apple vs. Windows. As far as iPhone Apps Development and Android Application Development is concerned, it might not be an equal game so far for Google. Looks like Apple is still enjoying the first mover’s advantage. Though, I do not think that Google is left behind. Google has done pretty good job though at the time of nexus one we really did not thought it will have all those things solved pretty quick.

With purchase power growing and people spending more and more time on internet, its developer’s job to satisfy the demand via iPhone Apps Development and Android Apps Development and I think they are also doing some pretty good job. Both companies have their development platforms and app stores to make sure whatever developed get to people immediately. Frankly speaking I do not see windows mobile anywhere, and for those who buy one, its headache to sell the used piece. In counts apple is ahead and I think it will stay at least for another 2 to 3 years unless Google really does some cool trick. Google though is bit more lenient towards selling your apps on their store or just giving it to someone for play. With its Chrome store launch and attracting developers for as low as only 5% cut from their sell, Google is making sure it gets the first mover’s advantage in browser based apps and games.

I will cover more info on iPhone Apps Development and Android Application Development in next part of this topic. If you have any queries you can write me to provided email id. Till than happy apps.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Must Be Methodically Planned, Managed and Controlled?

The fact that mobile app development is such a challenging task means that developers need to take every care in the book, to ensure its success. More importantly, they need to make an extra effort to take the app project through the various stages of development. Also, each stage must be comprehensively thought out and must cover all the necessary aspects that are fundamental to the development of a stable, robust and extremely functional application.

For this to happen, the entire process of mobile app development must be thoroughly planned, managed and controlled. If this is not done, then say good bye to any chance of developing an effective iPhone app. This fact remains true, even during iPad app development or development of tablet apps for any mobile OS other than the iOS.


How are you going to approach iPhone application development? The answer to this question helps developers plan their development process. Planning includes identifying the various stages of development and also determining the hierarchy of these stages and assigning responsibilities to the right people/team members to ensure that the project is taken through each stage successfully.


A detailed project development plan is one thing, but what is also important is the need to ensure that it is managed properly. What this means is that developers need to ensure that enough resources are assigned to the project and it is organized in an optimum manner. Each aspect of the project must be managed perfectly in order to ensure that it remains on track for submission within the pre-designated deadline.


If there is an absence of proper control, the process of iPhone app development will go haywire. At the basic level, controlling the development process means making sure that everybody who is a part of the project development is doing their job properly. More importantly, it also involves ensuring that all development work is on track and in line with client's needs and requirements.

These three aspects are a vital component of any mobile app development strategy. Developers ignore the importance of these aspects at their own risk. Astute developers are well aware of the need to ensure proper planning, exemplary management, and authoritative control of the process of development. They know that if this is not done, there is a good chance that even their best efforts won't be enough to ensure the successful development of their iPhone app. On the other hand, adherence to the highest standards of planning, management and control, will give them rich dividends in the form of a highly successful iPhone app that scales the popularity charts.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Information on iPhone Apps Development vs. iPad Application Development - Part2

In my previous article I have discussed about iPhone Apps Development and iPhone as a successful device and what types of applications needs to be done particularly for iPhone and also why you need to give it priority. In this part I am going to talk about iPad and its latest successor and also iPad Application Development and its impact in tablet apps development and designing. I hope this will help you to decide between the devices as per type of your idea or select priority in the device selection.

We know that iPhone is more mobile than iPad and also much handy and had a large sales volume, so it is obvious that it is going to have larger application database and more and more apps and games are going to get developed with iPhone Application Development. But let’s not forget that it is same company which is also making iPad. Why? Why somebody wants to go for app or game for iPad? Well, there are many reasons for it. One of the biggest reasons is its screen size. Yes, that is fact. With its higher resolution and larger screen size make it perfect interface for applications like stock exchanges or games like Infinity blade. People who thought that iPad may never going to get success are now counting numbers and predicting future iPad and suggesting iPad Application Development.

If you have an idea of games like infinity blade or may be an app which needs to have more data to be displayed or need to use every inch of the screen, go for iPad. It will be helpful to your user if they can get more data without changing the section or going back to menu or to enjoy high resolution graphics in gaming then go for it. I have played many games in iPad 2 and surely it is near to console like experience. Using business applications in iPad is also a very good experience and obviously productivity tools can be used far more greatly then you can do it in iPhone. These are the types of apps and games which you can prioritize for iPad Apps Development and have iPhone App Development as the secondary part. Or if the funds allow you, then you can go for both the developments together.

I hope this article and the previous part will provide you enough insight in deciding between iPhone Application Development and iPad App Development. So, why wait … Get your idea converted into reality!!!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

iPhone Application Development - Some Precincts

iPhone application development may be technically easy just because of your adeptness at programming languages and other technical skills. You may be planning to develop the best of the iPhone application and put it up for sale to the iPhone users. Before doing this you should be aware of the restrictions that Apple Inc. the designers of iPhone, have applied. These restrictions could have an adverse impact on your creativity and application development plan. Some of the prominent restrictions that could limit your scope of developing the applications are as follows.

Either or:
One of the major restrictions applied by Apple is that the user can run only a single application at one given time. This implies that two applications cannot be run simultaneously, no matter how important both are. Suppose, you receive a call while you are using the internet, either you stay glued to the internet and not attend the phone or exit from the internet to attend the phone. You cannot do the two things simultaneously. This is one great issue for the application developer because it may reduce the relevance of the application.

Suppose you are in the midst of an application pertaining to the trading of stocks in the market. This required inputs from you in the real time. Now when you are going to implement a crucial decision of buying or selling the shares, you start getting an equally important call. Now either you can attend to the call or you have to continuing the trading. You can run only a single application at any given point of time but not both simultaneously.

Background of Third party:
This is the extension of the restriction mentioned earlier. The earlier point was about running an application on screen but this is about running an application in the background. This restriction does not allow any third party application to run in the background. This implies that when you are attending a call crucial for your business, you cannot collect any messages through the instant messenger. The worst part of this is that you are shown to be offline to the message sender. This could lead to a lot of misunderstanding and heavy financial losses.

Centralized Control:
No application can be directly accessed by the iPhone user. Every iPhone user has to download the application from the Apple Store. This implies that the developer has to first submit the application to the Apple Store and if Apple Inc. finds it worth distributing among the users, then and then only the application is going to be accessible by the iPhone users. This sort of centralized controls not only puts restrictions on the developers but also increases the chance of unnecessary delay in the utility of the application.

Version compatibility:
The application working on the latest version may not work on the earlier version. This is because the operating system of different versions may not be compatible. This is very crucial for the application developer because he/she has to finally test the application on two versions of iPhone operating systems.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Worst Case Scenario for iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development Part 2

We have discussed details on how exactly to understand and make sure your idea can be developed in to real app or game in part 1 of this article. Here we are going to discuss more important issues about iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development. Issues related to development companies and cheap freelancer community, quality of development and support for your developed app. I will try to provide as much direct info as possible on above issues and hope you will be able to get something out of it.

In Part 1 I have asked few questions to CTO of Company name Morpheous, here is more of it. “So what do you think about the competition you get from freelancers and other people who provide solution from their homes?” he said “Well I am not against it neither I say they are not as good as us, but one has to understand by him / herself what to choose from the market for their iPhone Application Development or iPhone Game Development idea. There is always a cheaper option available for every product and every solution; …. Negative side is that they are not company, so they cannot provide any support or guarantee for your applications. They just develop and give it to you. If you are lucky one you get your app developed totally, or have it half done and search another provider”

I asked “Why it is half done?” He said “Well they are doing this to make more money, and off course they are also doing their regular jobs, so most of them cannot concentrate on the work and just cannot complete it due to loads of it, they cannot be as systematic as a company can be”. I am not going to put it all over here but I tried to understand from what he said to me. In all conversations I had, one thing was common, the concern about Quality and Support. Is it a real worry? The answer is ‘Yes’.

If you try to find cheaper solution for the technology like iPhone Application Development or iPhone Game Development, there are more chances you will have difficult time dealing with the freelancers developing it. Its quality and support which is very important for you to have very good app and sell it on app store and if there are issues, you can have support from the hired company which can solve it without any charges. There is more to this, will have to cut it short and may include in Part 3 of this article, as I am running out of my word limits, but beware, it’s your money, think twice before you go to any bidding portals or have apps or games on half of the rates.

We, Morpheous are developing innovative, high-quality iphone apps development Company. iphone application developer present quality and cost effective iphone game development and iphone application development.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development: Requirement Description Guide for Clients - Part 1

I have talked about this topic before, but it was in brief. This time I will provide more details about how to describe the requirement and how to shortlist the things that you will need to ask to the developers for deciding on the team and also to convert your game idea into reality, via iPad Game Development or iPhone Game Development. If you are new, I work in a well known Game Development company Morpheous and I share my experience with development and also with clients over here, so my experience can be useful to you when you make any development decisions and invest into one.

When you have an idea, you make sure you write it down, this will enable you to go through the raw idea in future if you lose your way in between, as especially when it is about objective of the game and story line. Once you write down your initial thoughts, you can then search some existing games and see if any of them matches what you want to get developed or if not see if it partially matches, this will provide you information on how they have executed the idea and also how the story line plays out. This will also give you an idea of overall representation of the game. iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development can be an easy venture if you are quite clear of what you want and also have things in written format. Ensuring your objective and features of the game pass to developer on right note is very important, this will make sure that the journey of development will be smooth and also game will be delivered exactly as you want it to be.

To convert your idea into reality, describing idea will not be only thing that will be important but also what you want as graphics in the game is also as much important as the idea itself. iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development heavily depend on the graphics and processing of the device. You need to make sure which type of graphics your game will consist of, 2D/3D? And also what type, like would it be like cartoons or are we talking about some serious gaming graphics? This is very important as making changes during the development or designing phase can cost you some money.

I will cover more information in my next article; I hope this initial info will be enough for you to understand the overall structure of requirement presentation for iPhone Game Development and iPad Game Development.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

iPhone Apps Development Process and How to Hire iPhone App Developer Part - 2

In my previous article I have given some basic information on iphone apps development and Hire iPhone App Developer from any IT company. In this part I will try to provide you more information on the hire process and also different things take care of while hiring. Choosing perfect company and also more information on iphone apps development and what types of follow-ups you will need to have to check on the development progress.

To convert your iphone apps development idea into reality you will need perfect team and also some enthusiasm till the delivery is made. As discussed before some of the requirements fall under Time and Material based model which is also called hourly basis model, where you Hire iPhone App Developer and pay on hourly basis. As same what our company does, Morpheous which is also an App and game development company, has same contracts with clients having same types of projects. The contracts consist of some amount of advance for the initial hours to be spent and also scope of work and contract renewal terms. Still it changes from company to company and can be different from Morpheous's draft. One more thing which is important before you sign the contract is that you sign Non-confidentiality Agreement or NDA, this will make sure that your intellectual property and all other idea or information or data you share with the development company is safe and protected under law.

Hire iPhone App Developer from a company is one thing and getting the iphone apps development done on time is another. Regular follow-ups and sometimes some meetings or conferences are must during the development period and which will ensure that what you think is what is being developed and the developers are on the right track same as for the designers. You do not need to worry much if you hire company like Morpheous but there are still some steps which I advise you to take when you make the deal. Be sure that you get weekly updates for the time spent on the project and also time against the work done Time sheet which make sure your developer is serious and providing you right information on the time spent and work done. Have weekly or bi-weekly updates on as form of videos or images on the project and development done.

I hope this information will help you proceed to convert your iphone apps development idea by Hire iPhone App Developer method and also provide you info to have safe and good deal. Have Great One!!

We, Morpheous are developing innovative, high-quality mobile app and game development Company. Hire iphone app developer for iphone apps development from India

Monday, 12 March 2012

An inside-out of iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development Part - 2

In the previous part I have talked about the how you get your iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development requirements developed and also how to hire the best game development company to convert your idea into reality. Being in the one of the best game development company, I have experience in client communication and also somewhat in project management, I can share some of our experiences so that you can have good ROI from your developed game. So, in this article I am going to talk about the marketing and promotion of the games you might need to do for having some handsome amount of downloads.

You get the best company, like say Morpheous to develop your game and so as got the very good iPad Game Development or iPhone Game Development concept converted into reality. Now what?? Well, you put it in the store and it won't just get sold in millions, right? You will need some serious marketing need to be done for the numbers you want to achieve for downloads. Companies like Morpheous provides Game promotions as services and you can use it to get higher ROI and also to make your idea more popular. In general marketing a game contains multiple things need to be done together. If you have a game make sure you have trailer, make sure you also have some good banners or graphics ready for the email campaigns. If you hire company to promote your game then that might not be your headache but still you need to keep an eye on what graphics and what content is promoted for your game.

Promoting an iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development idea does not stop with having trailers or sending emails. It is also about the market awareness about your game and what type of age group you are targeting. I also suggest you have either a domain on the name of the game or make a special page for the game which promotion company can target. Also make sure you have links of iTunes where your game is situated so that anybody who visits can click on it and visit the iTunes or download it from there.

I hope I have provided enough information for you to understand the iPad Game Development and iPhone Game Development procedures and also marketing the games in best way or hiring any services for the same.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

iPhone Application Development Process and How to Hire iPhone App Developer Part - 1

I have been thorough in my previous articles about the iPhone Application Development and its prerequisites. I will try to provide more information on the development process and also how you can hire iPhone App Developer from a company and also related procedures. As being in Mobile Application Development Company Morpheous, I will share my experience regarding to mentioned subject and hope it will be helpful to you for your future iPhone ideas and to hire any programmer for the same.

Having an App idea and getting it developed is two different things. What you want is to get your App idea to be converted into real app asap and to see what market is going to respond. I would suggest to you to be little bit patient and have some basic info ready with you or you can say more cleared form of features for iPhone Application Development, before you decide or choose any development company. This will save a lot of time for the company to decide on the time to be spending for the development and also cost for the same. When you reach to any of the development company, you have two choices at the time you want to award a project to the company. One is you by fixed cost model and has a finite timeline and cost for the same and another one is hourly based model where you need to Hire iPhone App Developer and pay on hourly basis for the time spent on the Project.

So, is this safe? Cost effective? And my answer is yes. It is safe to hire iPhone App Developer remotely and also it is going to be cost effective, which obviously depends on the features of the project or game you want to get developed. Most of the projects come under the fixed cost criteria and does not need to be an hourly project due to guessable amount of time need to be spent on the project. But not all requirements are like that, some of the requirements or ideas needs R&D and cannot be put under finite hours, this also includes when you are not sure what other features might arise at the time of development and those types of requirements of iPhone Application Development comes under hourly model.

In my next article I will discuss more in to how to hire iPhone App Developer for iPhone Application Development from a company and also what things you need to take care of at the time of payment and also receiving updates.

We, Morpheous are developing innovative, high-quality mobile app and game development Company. Hire iphone app developer for iPhone application development from India

Thursday, 1 March 2012

How to Find the Best iPhone Application Development Company

Apple Inc.'s much hyped iPhone created waves in the mobile market. Making it one of the most sought after mobile phone of the decade. The slim, large display touch screen wireless phone with a 2 mega pixel integrated camera, with web browser, calling and texting facility, amazing memory, media player, etc. made it highly popular. iPhone has been called so for the 'I' stands for the 'individuality' of the user, as it can be changed according to the needs of the user like an iPod or iGoogle. This individualism was an additional feature to its fame - resulting into huge demand plus the emergence of an entire industry of iPhone Application Development.

Apple Inc. gave iPhone application developers 70% of share for developing applications and themselves got 20% by selling applications through their Apple Store. More number of people and companies entered this field to try their luck. With its growing popularity and business, it has kept customers attracted round the clock.

Till date millions of iPhone devices have been sold. If only millions of mobile handsets have been sold than you can calculate the amount of iPhone applications being sold almost every month. Thus, the race goes on, to build the best and newest iPhone website or application with so many competitors to beat.

Therefore, the very first step to keep in mind while hiring iPhone developers is that they should know the application market well enough to survive in it. And must be able to build applications for Andriod, BlackBerry, Palm, etc. Make sure that the company you hire has previously developed iPhone applications and have sold them on Apple's App Store. If yes, then check out the links and screen shots as well. Observe the manner of the company's presentation of application idea's. Do they bring up the same old boring type of ideas or are they open to suggestions, new ideas, ready to experiment? If the case is the former one then forget it. If your choice is the latter one, then good going.

If the company is technically strong with professional and qualified developers that are in to Software development then its a sure plus point for you.

Also check out where does the company carry excellence. See if they are able to port the same iPhone application to other platforms as well like BlackBerry, Palm, Andriod, J2ME, etc. because this will help you to reach out to more and more users rather than bide you in restrictions from widening your range/scope for merely making profit and not touch excellence.

The company you approach must be in this sector for a minimum of one or two years. As the iPhone itself is not old than this so it makes sense that the company must be well versed about this realm.

Semaphore Software is in this sector for quite a period of time. And have excelled to great heights in iPhone 4s Application Development. They are skilled in integrating applications on other platforms as well. Their professionally accomplished team of developers come up with wonderful ideas and applications

Here the author has made us aware regarding the fact of what should one keep in mind when we hire an iPhone Developer for iPhone Apps Development. By listing down simple steps that are helpful that must be considered.

Monday, 27 February 2012

iPhone Game Development and iPhone Application Development from Client's Perspective - Part 4

In previous parts I have discussed about the getting your idea of iPhone Game Development or iPhone Application Development explained in right way to choosing a company and then going through the development phase. I have left in my previous article where what if you get into the situation where there can be conflicts between you and the development company? Also how to get the final game delivered on time? These are very important points, as it really does not matter much on how it has started but what matter is how it is going it end? Else it will be only loss of money and time and nothing else.

So, what you do? How to resolve the issues? Well there is one point which has been made again and again that "Client" is always right, but sometimes that does kick back. You need to understand that each and every company has an "Ego" and it can be tempted to certain limit but if it is crossed, sometimes it ends in bitter relations and sometime loss of money and time. So, to avoid this unnecessary consequences you should try to understand the points which other party is making and also try to find out the best way out, where this can be a win-win situation. Agreements should be reached on mutual basis and most important is should be in written format, so there cannot be future conflicts regarding to the iPhone Game Development or iPhone Application Development.

If you are in good hands, as for example my company Morpheous is quite known for its customer relationship and long term partnerships, then it is ok, but not all companies are same and some time there may be problems in getting regular updates and having your iPhone Game Development and iPhone Application Development get done on time. Make sure whenever you get updates you make accurate and clear comments on the progress made, also a request of phone call would be best for both parties to talk and understand the way ahead so it can be clear that both are on the same page. Regular and necessary follow-ups should be made to see if there is anything needed from your side which developer company might want as your insight. Do remember that it is your idea which is getting converted and people you are paying must do what you want the game to look like, but in best way possible. It's a team work and if both are understandable then it really brings good success.

I hope this will be useful to you when you want your iPhone Game Development or iPhone Application Development idea to get converted into reality. So, get your ideas converted now!! What are your waitings for??

We, Morpheous are developing innovative, high-quality iphone apps development Company. iphone application developer present quality and cost effective iphone game development and iphone application development.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Reviewing the iPhone Game Development Kit

iPhone developers have found out that game development on iPhone can be accelerated using the Coco2d application. You may want to consider the iPhone Game Kit if you want to be faster.

The iPhone Game Kit is a higher level game development engine or framework which was built on the Coco2d and iPhone SDK. A lot of iPhone developers could make use of it as the beginning point for iPhone game development.

You may be thinking why? The reason is usually it is very difficult for beginners to complete a moderately complicated game especially after learning few techniques or carrying out some tutorials. They will have no ideas on where and how to start and also how to make use of the knowledge they've learn. It is common for beginners that are writing programs to write programs that are bad and has an inflexible structure. This makes it difficult to extend as well as suffers from performance problems. The only task beginners would have to do is to fill out their own stuff and the rest will be handled by the kit. The iPhone Game Kit creator, Net Weiss is an experienced game developer with on different platforms. In other words he understands the kind of structure a good game must have. The kit has many clear codes one can use to customize, for instance, the Joystick touch control... which will contain high resolution support in the kit for the next version of iPhone 4 and iPad. The guide book can reveal to you how one can perform this in the development.

The Guide Book: The iPhone application development Game Kit offers a wonderful guide book that will teach anyone how to create games using the kit. From experience, the guide book is readable and it covers a lot of essential things. Anybody could get to know the arrangement of the kit as well as the workings of the kit after the studying the book. Numerous parts in the book describe in details the codes, part-by-part and reveals how one could complete the task bit by bit. Indeed, there are few details you have to search by yourself, but that doesn't mean that it will be difficult especially when you know what you want. Amazingly, this guide book covers the most important knowledge of Objective C. This means that starters wouldn't have a lot of difficulties in studying the codes. Additionally, this book also reveals how you can create a map using the Tiled Map Editor, also how to create sprite sheet by making use of the Sprite Sheet Maker couple with using Pixen for simple image processing. To cut the whole story short, a starter can be able to know the full story about developing iPhone games after studying the book.

The Art Works: The Outsource iPhone development kit offers a set of art files as well as menu graphics, items and sound effects. Some of these files come from the Reiner's kind sharing. This means that you could make use of them for free. This is very helpful and useful for individual in offshore iPhone development.

The Publishing Guide: When iPhone developers finish developing their games, they would have to publish the games in the App store. Also the kit will guide beginners on how to do this.

Outsourcing Iphone Application Development: Save Time And Money

Anyone who is aware about the prominence of iPhone must admit that it is a wonderful device – in more than one way. Besides offering the cutting-edge features, iPhone has brought forth innumerable opportunities for application development. It comes with a software development kit (SDK) that enables the developers to execute their development plans – the way they like. Since its advent, iPhone has created new milestones of success and set new standards in the field of application development. You hardly find such amazing hardware functionalities in any other mobile handset that come with enticing features comprising of a multi-touch screen, virtual keyboard and accelerometer among others. Interesting thing about this awesome gadget is that it has opened many avenues for the developers and iPhone application development India has emerged as a hot destination for all those firms, which want to get refined iPhone applications at a reasonable price. Over a period of time, Apple Store has been literally flooded by such applications. Still there is a great demand of such applications in the market and the way things have been shaping up with the passage of time, it is pretty evident that the demand will further escalate in the times to come.

If you are searching for a reliable iPhone application development company then you can check out all the options on the Internet. Many companies choose India, as they get these applications from here at a reasonable price rate and also in a stipulated time period. The obvious reason behind the surge of application outsourcing is that it saves a lot of money for these firms. In fact, they also get the quality applications as there has been a stiff competition among those who create iPhone applications on a regular basis. It is not easier to come up with a full-fledged software development firm, but you can always go for outsourcing to get things done without any difficulty or hassles.

It is bit of task to get experienced and skilled iPhone developers. It becomes more important to do a competitive search on the Internet, if you want to go for outsourcing iPhone development. Make sure that you choose the right firm by thoroughly analyzing its credentials.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

iPhone Application Development for Book Readers of all Age Groups

IPhone is a smart phone that has been proving it to be smart in every walk of life. One of its smartness is exhibited in the application catering to the readers of every age group. Today everyone having mobile and specially craze of iPhone is increasing very high, book is a common which is need of each and every age group, for student, professionals and aged people all requires book for different use. Some of the most popular applications pertaining to books are as follows.Enhancement of English Language and Career:"iExperts English Lite" is an iPhone application that is especially developed for enhancing one's skills at English language and for career development. This application can assist the user at preparing reports, school assignment, drafting emails and essays. This application is very useful if the user is preparing to take the English language exams like Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

It offers systematic guidance for writing essays. One can find notes on vocabulary, grammar and structure. This helps in writing and communicating in English. This application is based on extensive research and contribution by specialists in English language.The salient features of this application include practical tips on English, common mistakes done during communicating in English, model essays and inputs from experts at English language.Books for kids:"Folk Tales of India" is an iPhone application for readers who are kids. This is a collection of short stories from 'Hitopadesha' which is compiled and edited by Narayan Pandit. The stories in this literary collection were originally written in Sanskrit in the form of pros and verse. These fables are one of the best works of Indian literatures. The 'Hitopadesha' has been translated into many different languages every since it has been composed.The best features of this application include gorgeous design, short stories easy to understand, and easy user interface. The size of the text can be easily adjusted to the vision capacity of the reader.

The stories are very efficient and effective at conveying and justifying the morale and this is best for kids.World Records:The iPhone application development "Guinness World Record at Your Fingertip Lite" facilitates the user with accesses to the Guinness Book of World Records. This application allows the user to see the record breaking accomplishments of human beings. One can find the extremities of nature too. Through this application one can find the prerequisites or the ingredients required to get your name in the Guinness Book of World Records.You can brush through more than 140 records. Go into minute details of the records through the charts, photos, spotlight flash and time. One can even have access to the features of actual size. The application pours life into the more the 25 astonishing videos. There are galleries that can accommodate more than 150 photos. The main sections of this application are fastest, strangest, craziest, deadliest, most expensive, tallest and the ways to get your name in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

iPhone Applications Development - A Growing Business

When the iPhone came on the ramp in mobile industry it acquired ground-breaking capabilities .It was only an iphone who stood first in having wide touch display screen variety in the cell mobile phone type. The features of iphone were unbelievable. The applying application which comes regular with all Apple iPhone allows you to use your present location, sort in a destination, and it will act as a Gps unit and allow you an interactive map using genuine satellite imaging and wording for path names, making any trip simple for making. The Apple iPhone cell has full world wide web entry, easy-to-use e-mail, full video clip and also audio iPod device ability, an iPhone app to preserve track of stocks and shares, a settings app, a video camera, and a you-tube app. Simply by the way, these kind of are merely capabilities that will can be bought regular using the Apple iPhone.

iphone and today mobile market:-

iPhone is a globally recognized today in mobile market. In today's market the demand for iPhone application development is growing high day by day because of its wider scope as it supports many brilliant features like businesses app mostly in finance app, games app, entertainment, social networking, shopping cart, travel, GPS navigation and other business utility applications.

Neccesity of Hiring an iPhone developer:-

The growth of iPhone development has triggered a gradual rise of iPhone developers too. The developers design and develop new iphone applications according to the clients needs. They use creativity and imagination to create & run applications on our phone. These applications help you make your workflow smoother and easier as they can be customized to individual needs, designed to suit the exact requirement.

The eligibility for an iPhone developer:-

1.Experienced and Talented:-The experience and skill level of iPhone developers or programmers should be good enough to create dynamic applications which will make the device attractive.

2 Skilled in customized application:-When a client desire to hire iPhone developer he should make sure the developer must have the expertise in customizing application.

3.Pot Of Knowledge:-The developer should have the complete knowledge of iPhone SDK to create highly attractive and eye catching applications.

4.Technically Good:- The iPhone apps developer should provide technical support whenever needed in any stage of the project.

5.Co-opearative One:- Full customer support should be provided by the developers to the customers.

As new iPhone application development are emerging each day there is a huge need for developers and programmers for building applications. To convert these ideas into reality the entrepreneurs need to hire iPhone developers who will be competent and dedicated enough to create applications.For more deatil be touch with daily blog of Mobile Programming, LLC.

iPhone Game Development & iPhone Application Development - An Amusing Task

Apple's iPhone may have several amusing features but one feature that captures everybody's attention is the gaming zone of the smartphone. This multimedia enabled smartphone has amazing interface which enables the users to have the most awesome gaming experience. The game developers are having an absolutely wonderful time in developing the iPhone games. Although it is not an easy task because to build games using the device's interface and the limited layout of the screen requires good training and skills. In spite of these factors, iPhone game development has become an amusing task for the developers because this sector of development finds the maximum popularity among users.

The whole process of iPhone game programming starts with a concept and then boils down to intuitive designing and coding which finally shapes into a game. After the whole process of game development is over, the series of testing and checking starts from here. This is also an important part of the process because some times issues might crop up with the applications. Such issues need to be resolved before the final product is handed over to the clients. Many standard games have been created through iPhone game development. The developers have developed such games which requires the use of interactive features like flicks, drags, swipes, etc. which makes the games more appealing.

The popularity of iPhone game programming can be judged by the fact that Apple's App store itself stores a number of games which can be downloaded by its users. This shows that the gaming sector gains an upper hand among all other applications in iPhone. The properties of iPhone like accelerometer, multi touch and the wonderful graphics of the smartphone gives a very different experience of playing games on iPhone. The expert game developers have used these intriguing properties of the smartphone and have very well accomplished this challenging task.

The iPhone game programming has given animation a whole new dimension. The interesting properties of the smartphone has allowed the developers to show their potential. They are literally enjoying this task. Their creative part have got new ways and they are enjoying this new task in the game development sectors. They are making use of every possible feature that can be made possible. Along with the developers, the users are also having a wonderful time with iPhone games. It has become a fascination and passion for them. All in all iPhone game development is amusing both the developers and the users.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

iPhone Application Development And iPad Application Development Undisputable Kings Of Mobile Apps De

Launch of iPhone has changed the way of we have used our smartphone and ended an era of Symbian smartphone with the slash, and so as Apple did it with launch of iPad. We believed that, 'well' it will take some time for us to be mobile computing maniacs and use of tablets will be bit futuristic thing, but here we are using it and enjoying the era of apps and games which we were not even in knowledge of before 2 years. With launch of iPhone and iPad, it brought along new beginning of mobile application development with fields like iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development.

Some companies started it early even before launch of the official iPad and when iOS SDK was in its first beta, it proved to be a good venture. iPhone Application Development has opened new door ways to development and designing application of smartphone and the way we can use the limited facilities and features provided by the available hardware. iPad Application Development on the other hand teach us that the same app development platform can be used for more powerful and large-scale device without lose of processing power or battery life. So, you make an app for iPhone or for iPad, what only matters is how you use the features of devices in best way possible.

iPhone Application Development
is been done using iOS SDK and is mostly in the same form since its launch. Though there are many changes in the feature wise which Apple has made, the functionality and important sections remain the same. Coding view, user interface and testing simulator. iPad Application Development has the same base SDK but uses different simulator as the size of screen is different than iPhone. iOS SDK is so far the best thing developers has used against all the available mobile app development SDKs. Doing iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development using iOS SDK is easier and quicker.

Mobile application development has been the there from last 10 years or may be more, companies are doing app development in Symbian from more than a decade now and what they say is with experience we got in the tough development done in Symbian it is becoming easy for us to get into iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development fields and start delivering great apps. iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development has no doubt became an undisputed kings of mobile apps development.
We, Morpheous are developing innovative, high-quality apps development Company. Application developer present quality and cost effective iphone application development and ipad application development

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

iPhone Game Development and iPhone Application Development with Eye of Creativity

So, we have discussed a lot about development, I mean really "A lot". I have written what? About 90 times of development and coding, maybe not even 10 times for the designing perspective of the iPhone Game Development and iPhone Application Development. Morpheous is known for its development and designing, being a part of great team, let me share some of our experiences with the designing of iPhone Applications and iPhone Games. I hope this article will provide you enough information to understand about the importance of the designing in the mobile application development field.

There are two types of companies out there, one are those who does iPhone Apps Development and iPhone Game Development and one are those which creates iPhone Applications and iPhone Games with creative designs and innovative ideas. So, what is that which makes difference between the companies and also their capabilities, First and most important thing you need to understand when you give your applications or games for the development is that, "Designing is very important" yes, it is very important. Because no matter how good your iPhone App Development or iPhone Game Development is does with even best features and most innovative ones, if the designing is not good, well it all goes to the wormhole.

Having an idea of iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development and converting it to the reality is totally different thing and needs good team to develop it from concept to reality. Team should be creative enough to understand your thoughts and also provide you advise or inputs when necessary. When someone wants to buy your app or even want to install the free version before buying the paid one, first thing they are going to notice is designing of the application. The screenshots are what they are going to encounter first or videos. So, I insist that with good development team make sure the company you chose also has a very good designing team. You need to see their previous work and also their websites, and look for creativity where they have done something different then what others represent; this is where good designers will be different from the rest of the pack.

I will continue writing about the designing in my upcoming articles so you can have more information on the latest trends and goings in the iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development Fields. I hope this start will be useful to you in deciding some of the factors of understand the importance of designing in Mobile Application Development market.